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Den Marks The Spot: Real Treasure In Koge

Jeeeeeeeeesus fuck it's late. It was a mistake not to bring my computer on this trip. Trying to update a website through my cellphone and internet cafes is insane. Ellen, the new love of my life from Hamburg, is letting me use her computer to catch up on all of my old articles. This is number 2 of 5 and it's 3am...

I hadn't seen Cameron Giammalva in over 2 years. We worked together as Backroads Guides in a previous life and I was stoked to hear he was still working for them and living near Copenhagen. I biked my ass about 500km to see his face and catch up. He looked great; tan, tall, and blonde. Unfortunately for both of us, his type has always been hat wearing, southern debutantes, and my type has always been guys who don't want hat wearing southern debutantes, so we have an unspoken but firm understanding of our places in the "funny friend zone" and it makes our relationship rich and easy.

(an example of the kind of woman Cam is looking for)

He showed me around Koge, he showed me around Copenhagen, and we fell into deep coversations as if no time had passed at all. We talked about our futures, and we talked about our present. He helped me write a kick-ass application to Pit Viper for a Content Coordinator position...

(I mean... who wouldn't want to work at a place like that!)

He encouraged me to sing and play music. He lauged at my jokes. He allows time for silence and reflection. He inspires me to take risks, to treat myself with respect, to aim for better. I hope I make him laugh enough to mayyyyybe even out the scales of influence. I loved biking in Denmark and eating the shit tons of candy they have everywhere, but my favorite part was rediscovering an old friend.

And applying to Pit Viper, if they read this.

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