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Planning A Self-Supported Bike Tour Part 2: The Action Phase

So if you have ordered your bike, purchased your plane tickets, or scoped out your gear, then you're in the action phase already! Congratulations!

There is an insane amount of preparation in planning your own bike tour, and you deserve to have a relaxing adventure after all of your hard work. In order to help with that, I have an outline for lodging, food, communication, and money earning options while out on the road.


Fancy AF Trip: Hotels, Air B&B

Normal Trip: Hostels, campsite camping- this one often involves a lot more research but can save you loads of cash if you have the resources and time for it. Most campsites come up on google in the USA but not always in foreign countries. If you want to find the camping sites you might have to buy regional maps. As far as hostels go, google searches will usually get you there.

Dirtbag Trip: Couch Surfing, Warm Showers, Fire Stations, stealth camping- Couch surfing and warm showers are both community building websites in which hosts can offer travellers places to stay for usually no cost. I would say warm showers is a higher quality option for bike touring, as it only allows bike tourers to join the website. Fire Stations are a well kept secret in the bike touring community, and will probably continue to be, because 5 people will read this article. In the US, there is a fire station in just about every town, no matter the size, and someone who wants to help people (usually) awake inside. Just knock on the door, explain what you're doing, and ask to camp on their lawn. They will most likely say yes, and on top of that they will usually invite you in for a shower and a meal in exchange for some stories from the road. (DON'T COME WITHOUT STORIES FROM THE ROAD!) Police stations are options in very desperate times... but the vibe is NOT the same as a fire station. Stealth Camping is just setting up your camping rig somewhere outside and hoping for the best. This is dangerous in the US because you never know when you'll get shot and killed for accidentally trespassing on someone's property... but in Europe you're pretty safe.


Fancy AF Trip: Restaurants

Normal Trip: Buying groceries and camp cooking

Dirtbag Trip: Dumpster Diving, picking off strangers plates, learning to forage, and/or being willing to starve a little bit... pretty self explanatory.


Fancy AF Trip: International cell phone plan- Depending on your network provider, this may be a more attainable option. For Verizon, it costs about $10 USD per day to use your phone and data in a foreign country.

Normal Trip: Having a phone with internet capabilities and leaving it on Airplane mode.

Dirtbag Trip: Nokia pay as you go phone and road maps. A Pay As You Go phone from your country of travel will be the cheapest comunication option. And let me tell you the only advantage is that it is super cheap. The disadvantages are that you can't connect to the internet, call for help, or order pizza whenever you want. Additionally, you will have to rely on road maps, which are usually rather expensive, and rarely show you the scenic bath paths, or you will have to purchase bike path maps which are always rather expensive. You will be carrying extra weight and spending extra money on maps so... maybe just pull the plug and get a smart phone, Janelle.


Fancy AF Trip: Don't worry about it

Normal Trip: Working remotely

Dirtbag Trip: Busk, sell goods, beg... but be careful where you do this! Busking is actually illegal in a lot of places, which is DUMB but true, and you can accidentally get involved with some serious slumdog millionaire gang types if you beg in their territory. Your best bet is to learn a magic trick, or fashion a clown mask and annoy people at close range until they beat you up. Someone else will see your sorry, beat-up ass and probably help you by giving you some money or cooking you a meal.


This article was far less informative than the first and I know that. It is 4:15am where I am and I'm tired. Please leave questions and compliments in the boxes below and I will think about responding if what you say is funny.

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